Ligue de badminton - Section Rive-Sud | RSEQ Montérégie 2023-2024

    Schedule of the games
1st position
2nd position
3rd position
4th position
 397 2024-02-17 12:40 
 BG #10
 Gabriel Thauvette (ESMB) 7
 * Boudreau, Christopher (GC) 21
 398 2024-02-17 12:50 
 BG #10
 * Félix Bétounay (ESMB) 21
 Noiseux, Xavier (GC) 16
 399 2024-02-17 12:40 
 BG #11
 Phoenix Belzile (ESMB) 2
 * William Bosa (CAS) 21
 400 2024-02-17 12:50 
 BG #11
 * Jeffrey Hamel (CAS) 21
 Maxime Barcelo (ESMB) 19
 401 2024-02-17 13:00 
 BG #10
 Félix Bétounay (ESMB) 4 8
 * Boudreau, Christopher (GC) 21 21
 402 2024-02-17 13:00 
 BG #11
 Jeffrey Hamel (CAS) 6 6
 * William Bosa (CAS) 21 21
 403 2024-02-17 13:30 
 BG #10
 * William Bosa (CAS) 14 21 21
 Boudreau, Christopher (GC) 21 18 16
 404 2024-02-17 13:30 
 BG #11
 Jeffrey Hamel (CAS) 21 16 16
 * Félix Bétounay (ESMB) 19 21 21